Woman with black hair sitting on floor in art gallery with pen and paper, looking at modern painting, three people standing in front of artworks. - Foto stock

Woman with black hair sitting on floor in art gallery with pen and paper, looking at modern painting, three people standing in front of artworks.
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Getty ImagesWoman With Black Hair Sitting On Floor In Art Gallery With Pen And Paper Looking At Modern Painting Three People Standing In Front Of Artworks, Foto stockWoman With Black Hair Sitting On Floor In Art Gallery With Pen And Paper Looking At Modern Painting Three People Standing In Front Of Artworks, Foto stockScarica da Getty Images autentiche foto stock premium di Woman with black hair sitting on floor in art gallery with pen and paper, looking at modern painting, three people standing in front of artworks.. Esplora foto stock simili ad alta risoluzione nel nostro vasto catalogo.Product #:910585746
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