1971 England vs India 3rd Test Match

Ajit Wadekar (1941 - 2018) team captain of India and bowler Bhagwath Chandrasekhar wave from the pavilion balcony to the crowd on the pitch below after India won the match by 4 wickets and the 3 test match series 1 - 0 at the 3rd Test Match against England on 24th August 1971 at the Kennington Oval cricket ground in Kennington, London, England. (Photo by Dennis Oulds/Central Press/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Ajit Wadekar (1941 - 2018) team captain of India and bowler Bhagwath Chandrasekhar wave from the pavilion balcony to the crowd on the pitch below after India won the match by 4 wickets and the 3 test match series 1 - 0 at the 3rd Test Match against England on 24th August 1971 at the Kennington Oval cricket ground in Kennington, London, England. (Photo by Dennis Oulds/Central Press/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
1971 England vs India 3rd Test Match
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Dennis Oulds / Stringer
N. Editorial:
Hulton Archive
Data di creazione:
24 agosto 1971
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Hulton Archive
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5386 x 3572 px (45,60 x 30,24 cm) - 300 dpi - 8 MB