Christopher Columbus on board his ship, during his first voyage to the west, 16th century, (1870).

Christopher Columbus on board his ship, during his first voyage to the west, 16th century, (1870). A merman and a mermaid blow conch shells as Columbus stands steadfastly under the flag bearing the image of Christ on the cross. Taken from a niello executed on ivory. A wood engraving from The Arts of the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix, (London, 1870). (Photo by The Print Collector/Print Collector/Getty Images)
Christopher Columbus on board his ship, during his first voyage to the west, 16th century, (1870). A merman and a mermaid blow conch shells as Columbus stands steadfastly under the flag bearing the image of Christ on the cross. Taken from a niello executed on ivory. A wood engraving from The Arts of the Middle Ages and at the Period of the Renaissance, by Paul Lacroix, (London, 1870). (Photo by The Print Collector/Print Collector/Getty Images)
Christopher Columbus on board his ship, during his first voyage to the west, 16th century, (1870).
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Print Collector / Collaboratore
N. Editorial:
Hulton Archive
Data di creazione:
1 gennaio 1870
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Hulton Archive
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Max. dimensione file:
4954 x 3533 px (41,94 x 29,91 cm) - 300 dpi - 9 MB