Boston's Fenway Park

General view of Boston's Fenway Park, home of the American League baseball team the Boston Red Sox shows the fans packed in the bleachers in the outfield by the Gruen clock, 1960s. Beyond the stadium walls we can see the John Hancock Building at right. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
General view of Boston's Fenway Park, home of the American League baseball team the Boston Red Sox shows the fans packed in the bleachers in the outfield by the Gruen clock, 1960s. Beyond the stadium walls we can see the John Hancock Building at right. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
Boston's Fenway Park
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N. Editorial:
Hulton Archive
Data di creazione:
1 gennaio 1960
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Hulton Archive
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4899 x 3429 px (41,48 x 29,03 cm) - 300 dpi - 11 MB