Students Burn Effigy of Governor Marvin Griffin

Georgia Tech students rioted in downtown Atlanta to protest Governor Marvin Griffin's move to keep the school out of the Sugar Bowl game with Pittsburgh on January 2nd. The Governor's request to the State Board of Regents to bar State Colleges from playing opponents having black players (The Pittsburgh Panthers had a black player, Bobby Grier, as a reserve back) touched off the demonstration. The Tech students burned a Griffin effigy at Five Points in Atlanta, before moving on to the Capitol and then the Governor's mansion, demanding the game go on.
Georgia Tech students rioted in downtown Atlanta to protest Governor Marvin Griffin's move to keep the school out of the Sugar Bowl game with Pittsburgh on January 2nd. The Governor's request to the State Board of Regents to bar State Colleges from playing opponents having black players (The Pittsburgh Panthers had a black player, Bobby Grier, as a reserve back) touched off the demonstration. The Tech students burned a Griffin effigy at Five Points in Atlanta, before moving on to the Capitol and then the Governor's mansion, demanding the game go on.
Students Burn Effigy of Governor Marvin Griffin
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Data di creazione:
3 dicembre 1955
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