Anders Celsius, Swedish astronomer and physicist, c 1730s.

SWEDEN - JUNE 03: In 1735, Celsius (1701-1744) took part in two expeditions led by Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1698-1759) which proved the Earth was a sphere with flattened poles and a bulging centre. In 1741, Celsius was responsible for the construction of Sweden's first observatory in Uppsala and with his assistant Olof Hiortner, discovered that the aurora borealis influenced compass needles. In 1742, using a mercury thermometer, he recommended the Celsius temperature scale which is still used today. (Photo by SSPL/Getty Images)
SWEDEN - JUNE 03: In 1735, Celsius (1701-1744) took part in two expeditions led by Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis (1698-1759) which proved the Earth was a sphere with flattened poles and a bulging centre. In 1741, Celsius was responsible for the construction of Sweden's first observatory in Uppsala and with his assistant Olof Hiortner, discovered that the aurora borealis influenced compass needles. In 1742, using a mercury thermometer, he recommended the Celsius temperature scale which is still used today. (Photo by SSPL/Getty Images)
Anders Celsius, Swedish astronomer and physicist, c 1730s.
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Data di creazione:
2 gennaio 1754
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