Jean Borotra - tennis player, sportsman, F *13.08.1898-17.07.1994+ the men's single world champion - Portrait of Borotra, playing tennis - ca. 1924 - Published by: 'Die Dame' 14/1925 Vintage property of ullstein bild

(Eingeschränkte Rechte für bestimmte redaktionelle Kunden in Deutschland. Limited rights for specific editorial clients in Germany.) Jean Borotra - tennis player, sportsman, F *13.08.1898-17.07.1994+ the men's single world champion - Portrait of Borotra, playing tennis - ca. 1924 - Published by: 'Die Dame' 14/1925 Vintage property of ullstein bild (Photo by Gircke/ullstein bild via Getty Images)
(Eingeschränkte Rechte für bestimmte redaktionelle Kunden in Deutschland. Limited rights for specific editorial clients in Germany.) Jean Borotra - tennis player, sportsman, F *13.08.1898-17.07.1994+ the men's single world champion - Portrait of Borotra, playing tennis - ca. 1924 - Published by: 'Die Dame' 14/1925 Vintage property of ullstein bild (Photo by Gircke/ullstein bild via Getty Images)
Jean Borotra - tennis player, sportsman, F  *13.08.1898-17.07.1994+  the men's single world champion  - Portrait of Borotra, playing tennis  - ca. 1924  - Published by: 'Die Dame' 14/1925   Vintage property of ullstein bild
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Getty ImagesJean Borotra - tennis player, sportsman, F *13.08.1898-17.07.1994+ ..., Foto di attualitàJean Borotra - tennis player, sportsman, F  *13.08.1898-17.07.1994+ ..., Foto di attualitàJean Borotra - tennis player, sportsman, F *13.08.1898-17.07.1994+ ... Scarica foto di attualità Premium ad elevata risoluzione da Getty ImagesProduct #:548132763
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ullstein bild Dtl. / Collaboratore
N. Editorial:
ullstein bild
Data di creazione:
1 gennaio 1924
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3636 x 5078 px (30,78 x 42,99 cm) - 300 dpi - 10 MB