Ny Yankee Players Cross Home Plate

(Original Caption) 9/30/1947-New York City: The Homeplate at Yankee Stadium was busy during the fifth inning of the World Series opener as the Yanks ran wild to score five runs. At extreme left is DiMaggio, who led the parade across the plate. He is looking back at McQuinn scoring while Rizzuto (10), next man up, holds up his hand to stop Johnson at Third. Dodger pitcher Branca is at right. Next to DiMaggio in foreground is the batboy. INP photograph by Hugh Broderick.
(Original Caption) 9/30/1947-New York City: The Homeplate at Yankee Stadium was busy during the fifth inning of the World Series opener as the Yanks ran wild to score five runs. At extreme left is DiMaggio, who led the parade across the plate. He is looking back at McQuinn scoring while Rizzuto (10), next man up, holds up his hand to stop Johnson at Third. Dodger pitcher Branca is at right. Next to DiMaggio in foreground is the batboy. INP photograph by Hugh Broderick.
Ny Yankee Players Cross Home Plate
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Bettmann / Collaboratore
N. Editorial:
Data di creazione:
30 settembre 1947
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