Swimming, 2008 Summer Olympics

Swimming: 2008 Summer Olympics: Underwater view of USA Michael Phelps (L) and Serbia Milorad Cavic (R) in action, touching wall to finish Men's 100M Butterfly Final at National Aquatics Center ( Water Cube ). Phelps won gold medal by .01 and set Olympic record with time of 50.58. Sequence. Beijing, China 8/16/2008 CREDIT: Heinz Kluetmeier (Photo by Heinz Kluetmeier /Sports Illustrated via Getty Images) (Set Number: X80790 TK2 R1 F17 )
Swimming: 2008 Summer Olympics: Underwater view of USA Michael Phelps (L) and Serbia Milorad Cavic (R) in action, touching wall to finish Men's 100M Butterfly Final at National Aquatics Center ( Water Cube ). Phelps won gold medal by .01 and set Olympic record with time of 50.58. Sequence. Beijing, China 8/16/2008 CREDIT: Heinz Kluetmeier (Photo by Heinz Kluetmeier /Sports Illustrated via Getty Images) (Set Number: X80790 TK2 R1 F17 )
Swimming, 2008 Summer Olympics

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Heinz Kluetmeier / Collaboratore
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Sports Illustrated
Data di creazione:
16 agosto 2008
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