Terracotta trefoil oinochoe (jug)

Terracotta trefoil oinochoe (jug), Archaic, ca. 575-550 B.C., Etruscan, Terracotta; bucchero pesante, H. 13 11/16 in. (34.8 cm), Vases, This standard bucchero shape is transformed into an exotic pitcher by incorporating numerous clay rams' heads, human heads, and bosses to the rim, neck, shoulder, and belly. The treatment is typical of Vulcian bucchero workshops. (Photo by: Sepia Times/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Terracotta trefoil oinochoe (jug), Archaic, ca. 575-550 B.C., Etruscan, Terracotta; bucchero pesante, H. 13 11/16 in. (34.8 cm), Vases, This standard bucchero shape is transformed into an exotic pitcher by incorporating numerous clay rams' heads, human heads, and bosses to the rim, neck, shoulder, and belly. The treatment is typical of Vulcian bucchero workshops. (Photo by: Sepia Times/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Terracotta trefoil oinochoe (jug)
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18 novembre 2019
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