The Bull Ring, with St Martin's Church, Birmingham, 1812 (1887).
The Bull Ring, with St Martin's Church, Birmingham, 1812 (1887). The Bull Ring in Birmingham began to host a market in 1154 when King Henry II granted a charter to a local landowner, Peter de Bermingham. It has been the commercial heart of the city ever since. The church was originally built in the 13th century, but was demolished and replaced by a new building in 1873 that retained the earlier tower and spire. A print from The Illustrated London News, 26th March 1887. (Photo by The Print Collector/Print Collector/Getty Images)
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Getty ImagesThe Bull Ring, with St Martin's Church, Birmingham, 1812 (1887)., Foto di attualitàThe Bull Ring, with St Martin's Church, Birmingham, 1812 (1887). Scarica foto di attualità Premium ad elevata risoluzione da Getty ImagesProduct #:464001689
Getty Images
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N. Editorial:
Hulton Archive
Data di creazione:
1 gennaio 1887
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Hulton Archive
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Max. dimensione file:
5209 x 3357 px (44,10 x 28,42 cm) - 300 dpi - 7 MB
- 1880-1889,
- Ambientazione esterna,
- Architettura,
- Arte, Cultura e Spettacolo,
- Bianco e nero,
- Birmingham - Inghilterra,
- Centro commerciale Bullring,
- Chiesa,
- Città,
- Cristianesimo,
- Di archivio,
- Esterno di un edificio,
- Guglia,
- Illustrazione,
- Incisione - Oggetto creato dall'uomo,
- Inghilterra,
- Midlands occidentali,
- Periodo medievale,
- Persone,
- Regno Unito,
- Religioni e filosofie,
- Santo,
- St Martin in the Bull Ring,
- Stile del XIX secolo,
- Torre con guglia,
- Trasporto,
- Veicolo trainato da cavalli,