Thin Lizzy - Live And Dangerous

The cover of the double album 'Live And Dangerous', by Irish rock band, Thin Lizzy, released in June 1978. The photo on the sleeve features bassist, singer and songwriter Phil Lynott and was taken by Chalkie Davies. (Photo by Chalkie Davies/Getty Images)
The cover of the double album 'Live And Dangerous', by Irish rock band, Thin Lizzy, released in June 1978. The photo on the sleeve features bassist, singer and songwriter Phil Lynott and was taken by Chalkie Davies. (Photo by Chalkie Davies/Getty Images)
Thin Lizzy - Live And Dangerous

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Chalkie Davies / Collaboratore
N. Editorial:
Premium Archive
Data di creazione:
1 gennaio 1978
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Premium Archive
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Max. dimensione file:
1772 x 1767 px (15,00 x 14,96 cm) - 300 dpi - 3 MB