The girls' cadet unit of Chertsey, after collecting £20, procided a slap-up feed and Christmas Tree for the wounded serv

The girls' cadet unit of Chertsey, after collecting £20, procided a slap-up feed and Christmas Tree for the wounded servicemen in Hut 12 at Botley's Park War Hospital. December 1945 P012270 (Photo by WATFORD/Mirrorpix/Mirrorpix via Getty Images)
The girls' cadet unit of Chertsey, after collecting £20, procided a slap-up feed and Christmas Tree for the wounded servicemen in Hut 12 at Botley's Park War Hospital. December 1945 P012270 (Photo by WATFORD/Mirrorpix/Mirrorpix via Getty Images)
The girls' cadet unit of Chertsey, after collecting £20, procided a slap-up feed and Christmas Tree for the wounded serv
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Data di creazione:
24 dicembre 1945
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