Taglio dell'edificio isometrico - Illustrazioni stock

Highly detailed illustration of a 10-story commercial building cutaway has its walls removed to show the interior lobby, coffee shop, retail clothing store, bank with ATMs, gym, medical offices, daycare, architecture studio, open floor plan offices, cafeteria, training room, cubicles, and top-floor conference room and offices. Roof details and basement floors are also included, along with cutaway cars, bus, and subway transportation. Dozens of unique people can be seen. Vector illustration presented in isometric view. All representations are fictitious; no specific manufacturers, companies, or people are represented in this illustration.
Highly detailed illustration of a 10-story commercial building cutaway has its walls removed to show the interior lobby, coffee shop, retail clothing store, bank with ATMs, gym, medical offices, daycare, architecture studio, open floor plan offices, cafeteria, training room, cubicles, and top-floor conference room and offices. Roof details and basement floors are also included, along with cutaway cars, bus, and subway transportation. Dozens of unique people can be seen. Vector illustration presented in isometric view. All representations are fictitious; no specific manufacturers, companies, or people are represented in this illustration.
Taglio dell'edificio isometrico
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Getty ImagesTaglio Delledificio Isometrico, Foto stockTaglio Delledificio Isometrico, Foto stockScarica da Getty Images autentiche illustrazioni stock premium di Taglio dell'edificio isometrico. Esplora illustrazioni stock simili ad alta risoluzione nel nostro vasto catalogo.Product #:1141101108
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N. Creative:
Tipo di licenza:
DigitalVision Vectors
Max. dimensione file:
5503 x 8312 px (46,59 x 70,37 cm) - 300 dpi - 16 MB
Data di upload:
United States
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