People vote in government election in San Marino
Title: "Camera Report on Elections in San Marino" superimposed over San Marino street with election posters / VS San Marino situated on top of mountain / WS border entrance to town with posters hanging, first of which says (in Italian): "Welcome to Emigrants" / MS guard at border line, with wall in back of him showing border / LS street with election poster / MS Miss Mirim Michelotti with other Italian patriots brought over from the United States to vote / CU Michelotti placing armband on one of these men / CU Michelotti / CU Michelotti shaking hands with man wearing armband / VS street scene showing many election posters - very prominent Communist emblem and says: "Vote Communist" at left of screen / PAN posters on top of archway favoring all factions / CU man pinning Communist armband on arm of another / MS man wearing Communist armband talking to another man in street as others around listening / WS rear shot of people walking down street, going to vote, posters seen on walls / MS rear shot of two girls looking at Democrat poster / CU two posters on wall; top one says: "Vote Communist", bottom one says "Vote Christian Democrat" / INT high shot people voting / VS looking from above people voting / WS town of San Marino on top of mountain / Note: exact day not known
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N. Editorial:
Sherman Grinberg Library
Data di creazione:
1 agosto 1955
Data di upload:
Tipo di licenza:
Info sulla liberatoria:
Senza liberatoria. Ulteriori informazioni
Durata clip:
San Marino
QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) HD 1920x1080 23.98p
Supporto originale:
35mm B/W Neg
Sherman Grinberg Library
Nome oggetto:
- 1950-1959,
- Accuratezza,
- Adulto,
- Arco - Architettura,
- Ascoltare,
- Audio disponibile sulla versione digitale,
- Bambine femmine,
- Bambino,
- Bianco e nero,
- Camminare,
- Cinegiornale,
- Cittadina,
- Città,
- Comunismo,
- Conflittualità,
- Di archivio,
- Dominio,
- Elezione,
- Emblema,
- Fare la guardia,
- Fascia da braccio,
- Film collage,
- Filmato - Immagine in movimento,
- Formato HD,
- Frontiera nazionale,
- Giorno,
- Guardare in una direzione,
- Immagine composita,
- Italiano - Lingua,
- Mano,
- Montagna,
- Mostrare,
- Parlare,
- Partito Democratico - USA,
- Pendere,
- Persone,
- Politica,
- Politica e governo,
- Posizionare,
- Poster,
- Poster elettorale,
- Puntare,
- Scuotere,
- Segmento produzioni,
- Stati Uniti d'America,
- Stringersi la mano,
- Tempo reale,
- Tirare la palla,
- Uomini,
- Via,
- Votazione,