American Lindy hop dancer Norma Miller Norma Miller and her long time dance partner, Billy Ricker, in action, Chicago, Illinois, circa 1940. Known as...
Ninty-five year-old American Lindy Hop dancer Norma Miller and her proteges, Samuel Coleman and Rehema Trimiew, perform at the beginning of the...
Ninty-five year-old American Lindy Hop dancer Norma Miller receives a proclamation , held by her protege Samuel Coleman, on the second day of the...
Ninty-five year-old American Lindy Hop dancer Norma Miller and her proteges, Samuel Coleman and Rehema Trimiew, perform at the beginning of the...
Ninty-five year-old American Lindy Hop dancer Norma Miller receives a proclamation from Diana Howard , of Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer's...
Ninty-five year-old American Lindy Hop dancer Norma Miller receives a proclamation from Diana Howard , of Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer's...
Ninty-five year-old American Lindy Hop dancer Norma Miller receives a proclamation from Diana Howard , of Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer's...
Ninty-five year-old American Lindy Hop dancer Norma Miller and her proteges, Rehema Trimiew and Samuel Coleman, perform at the beginning of the...
Ninty-five year-old American Lindy Hop dancer Norma Miller and her proteges, Samuel Coleman and Rehema Trimiew, perform at the beginning of the...
Ninty-five year-old American Lindy Hop dancer Norma Miller and her proteges, Samuel Coleman and Rehema Trimiew, perform at the beginning of the...
Ninty-five year-old American Lindy Hop dancer Norma Miller and her protege, Samuel Coleman, perform at the beginning of the second day of the 23rd...
Ninty-five year-old American Lindy Hop dancer Norma Miller sits on the stage as she watches her protege, Samuel Coleman , as lead a class for dance...
Ninty-five year-old American Lindy Hop dancer Norma Miller talks to dance fans at the beginning of the second day of the 23rd Annual Charlie Parker...
Ninty-five year-old American Lindy Hop dancer Norma Miller and her protege, Samuel Coleman, perform at the beginning of the second day of the 23rd...