Chef Rosario Mendoza, who learned how to cook at the age of 13, poses for a photograph at the Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25, 2017 in Teotitlan...
Chef Maria Luisa Mendoza, who learned how to cook at the age of 10, poses for a photograph at the Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25, 2017 in...
Chef Rosario Mendoza, who learned how to cook at the age of 13, poses for a photograph at the Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25, 2017 in Teotitlan...
Chef Maria Luisa Mendoza, who learned how to cook at the age of 10, poses for a photograph at the Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25, 2017 in...
Chef Rufina Mendoza, who learned how to cook at the age of 12, poses for a photograph at the Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25, 2017 in Teotitlan...
Chef Rufina Mendoza, who learned how to cook at the age of 12, poses for a photograph at the Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25, 2017 in Teotitlan...
Chef Rufina Mendoza grinds chilcosle chili pepper with a metate - a traditional grinding stone - before making segueza at the Tlamanalli restaurant...
Chef Abigail Mendoza pours crushed chilcosle chili to make segueza - a prehispanic dish prepared with chicken breast, toasted yellow corn ground with...
Chef Abigail Mendoza toasts yellow corn to make segueza - a prehispanic dish prepared with chicken breast, toasted yellow corn ground with the metate...
Chef Marcelina Mendoza, who learned how to cook at the age of 10, poses for a photograph at the Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25, 2017 in...
Chef Marcelina Mendoza, who learned how to cook at the age of 10, poses for a photograph at the Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25, 2017 in...
Chef Adelina Mendoza, who learned how to cook at the age of 10, poses for a photograph at Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25, 2017 in Teotitlan del...
Chefs Abigail Mendoza and Rufina Mendoza cook pumpkin flower soup in their Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25, 2017 in Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca...
Chefs Abigail Mendoza and Rufina Mendoza cook pumpkin flower soup in their Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25, 2017 in Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca...
Chef Abigail Mendoza and her sister Rufina grind toasted yellow corn and chilcosle chili pepper with a Metate - a traditional grinding stone - before...
Chef Abigail Mendoza grinding corn with a metate in her restaurant Tlamanalli before to prepare Pumpkin flower soup on February 25, 2017 in Teotitlan...
Chef Abigail Mendoza grinds corn with a Metate - a traditional grinding stone - before preparing segueza at the Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25,...
Chef Adelina Mendoza, who learned how to cook at the age of 10, poses for a photograph at Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25, 2017 in Teotitlan del...
Chef Abigail Mendoza grinds corn with a Metate - a traditional grinding stone - before preparing segueza at the Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25,...
Chef Abigail Mendoza toasts yellow corn to make segueza - a prehispanic dish prepared with chicken breast, toasted yellow corn ground with the metate...
Chef Abigail Mendoza grinds corn with a Metate - a traditional grinding stone - before preparing segueza at the Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25,...
Chef Abigail Mendoza grinds toasted yellow corn with a Metate - a traditional grinding stone - before preparing segueza at the Tlamanalli restaurant...
Chef Abigail Mendoza grinds corn with a Metate - a traditional grinding stone - before preparing segueza at the Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25,...
Chef Abigail Mendoza and her sister Rufina grind toasted yellow corn and chilcosle chili pepper with a Metate - a traditional grinding stone - before...
Chef Rufina Mendoza grinds chilcosle chili pepper with a Metate - a traditional grinding stone - before preparing segueza at the Tlamanalli...
Chef Rufina Mendoza grinds chilcosle chili pepper with a Metate - a traditional grinding stone - before preparing segueza at the Tlamanalli...
Chef Adelina Mendoza, who learned how to cook at the age of 10, poses for a photograph at Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25, 2017 in Teotitlan del...
Chef Abigail Mendoza, who began learning how to cook at the age of seven, poses for a photograph at Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25, 2017 in...
Pumpkin flower and chipilin soup is served with a quesadilla at the Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25, 2017 in Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca state,...
Pumpkin flower and chipilin soup is served with a quesadilla at the Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25, 2017 in Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca state,...
Pumpkin flower and chipilin soup is served with a quesadilla at the Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25, 2017 in Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca state,...
Prehispanic dish Segueza, prepared with chicken, toasted yellow corn ground with the metate or traditional grinding stone, Chilcosle chili and...
Prehispanic dish Segueza, prepared with chicken, toasted yellow corn ground with the metate or traditional grinding stone, Chilcosle chili and...
Prehispanic dish Segueza, prepared with chicken, toasted yellow corn ground with the metate or traditional grinding stone, Chilcosle chili and...
Prehispanic dish Segueza, prepared with chicken, toasted yellow corn ground with the metate or traditional grinding stone, Chilcosle chili and...
Prehispanic dish Segueza, prepared with chicken, toasted yellow corn ground with the metate or traditional grinding stone, Chilcosle chili and...
Prehispanic dish Segueza, prepared with chicken, toasted yellow corn ground with the metate or traditional grinding stone, Chilcosle chili and...
Prehispanic dish Segueza, prepared with chicken, toasted yellow corn ground with the metate or traditional grinding stone, Chilcosle chili and...
"Huajes" or "guajes", the edible pods of the Leucaena leucocephala, a small fast-growing mimosoid tree native to southern Mexico and northern Central...
Chef Abigail Mendoza grinds toasted yellow corn with a "Metate" before preparing "Segueza" at Tlamanalli restaurant in Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca...
Chef Abigail Mendoza grinds toasted yellow corn with a "Metate" before preparing "Segueza" at Tlamanalli restaurant in Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca...
Chef Abigail Mendoza toasts yellow corn to prepare "Segueza" at Tlamanalli restaurant in Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca State, Mexico, on February 25,...
Chef Abigail Mendoza toasts yellow corn to prepare "Segueza" at Tlamanalli restaurant in Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca State, Mexico, on February 25,...
Chef Abigail Mendoza toasts yellow corn to prepare "Segueza" at Tlamanalli restaurant in Teotitlan del Valle, Oaxaca State, Mexico, on February 25,...
Chef Abigail Mendoza pours toasted and grinded yellow corn to prepare "Segueza," at Tlamanalli restaurant in Teotitlan del Valle, a small village in...
Basket with tomato, Chilcosle chili pepper, Hierba Santa and yellow corn, at Tlamanalli restaurant on February 25, 2017 in Teotitlan del Valle,...
Man making tassels during hand made carpet manufacture, Teotitlan del Valle, near Oaxaca, Oaxaca State, Mexico.
Man using loom during hand made carpet manufacture, Teotitlan del Valle, near Oaxaca, Oaxaca State, Mexico.
Lady spinning wool used in hand made carpet manufacture, Teotitlan del Valle, near Oaxaca, Oaxaca State, Mexico.
close-up of wool hanging, teotitlan del valle, oaxaca state, mexico - teotitlàn del valle foto e immagini stock
high angle view of wools, teotitlan del valle, oaxaca state, mexico - teotitlàn del valle foto e immagini stock
high angle view of wools, teotitlan del valle, oaxaca state, mexico - teotitlàn del valle foto e immagini stock
close-up of wool, teotitlan del valle, oaxaca state, mexico - teotitlàn del valle foto e immagini stock
high angle view of carpets, teotitlan del valle, oaxaca state, mexico - teotitlàn del valle foto e immagini stock
high angle view of carpets, teotitlan del valle, oaxaca state, mexico - teotitlàn del valle foto e immagini stock
portrait of woman in traditional clothing looking at camera smiling, teotitlan del valle, oaxaca, mexico - teotitlàn del valle foto e immagini stock