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prime minister ehud olmert of israel addresses the annapolis peace conference and talks about wanting peace between israel and its arab neighbors and... - olmert annapolis video stock e b–roll00:32
prime minister ehud olmert of israel addresses the annapolis peace conference and talks about wanting peace between israel and its arab neighbors. - olmert annapolis video stock e b–roll00:41
prime minister ehud olmert of israel addresses the annapolis peace conference and talks of a need for the palestinians to have their own state, his... - olmert annapolis video stock e b–roll00:30
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tzipi livni calls for new election after failure to form coalition government; t27110708 usa: maryland: annapolis: int george w bush shakes hands... - olmert annapolis video stock e b–roll00:09
palestinian president mahmoud abbas, israeli prime minister ehud olmert, and u.s. president george w. bush speak at a press conference. - olmert annapolis video stock e b–roll00:27