mark thomas captured an extremely rare sight on october 13, in the outskirts of port lincoln, lower eyre peninsula, australia the footage... - port lincoln video stock e b–roll01:49
taking a plunge into the deep blue took on a new meaning for night-time beachgoers in port lincoln, south australia, on june 27, as bioluminescent... - port lincoln video stock e b–roll01:33
little matt was only 18 months old when he started to drum everything in sight around his home in port lincoln, south australia. recognizing their... - port lincoln video stock e b–roll03:11
mark thomas recorded his lovable kitten felix running and jumping through puddles at their home in port lincon, australia. the uploader told storyful... - port lincoln video stock e b–roll01:08
beach side residents near port lincoln were dazzled by blue-glowing bioluminescent algae on the evening of june 18. the algae appeared at the shores... - port lincoln video stock e b–roll01:51
without knowing what the emu babysitting roster is in sleaford, south australia, it's a safe assumption that this male drew the short straw. he was... - port lincoln video stock e b–roll01:14
haylee weber is visiting australia for five months, studying abroad on the sunshine coast. she captured this dramatic video while on a shark diving... - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:46
australian teenage swimming sensation kyle chalmers won the men's 100m freestyle swimming event in the 2016 olympic games. this video captured the... - port lincoln video stock e b–roll01:32
hundreds of dead mature australian salmon washed up on fishery beach in cape jervis, south australia, on wednesday, may 2.... - port lincoln video stock e b–roll01:52
great white shark swimming across in front of the camera with a large school of jack fish as seen from a deep water shark cage, neptune islands, south australia. - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:11
great white shark swimming across in front of the camera with a large school of jack fish as seen from a deep water shark cage, neptune islands, south australia. - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:06
great white shark swimming towards the camera with a large school of jack fish as seen from a deep water shark cage, neptune islands, south australia. - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:10
great white shark swimming over the top of a shark cage with a large school of jack fish, neptune islands, south australia. - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:06
great white shark swimming with a large school of jack fish as seen from a deep water shark cage, neptune islands, south australia. - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:07
great white shark swimming towards the camera with a large school of jack fish as seen from a deep water shark cage, neptune islands, south australia. - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:08
great white shark swimming with a large school of jack fish as seen from a deep water shark cage, neptune islands, south australia. - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:09
great white shark swimming towards the camera with a large school of jack fish as seen from a deep water shark cage, neptune islands, south australia. - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:11
great white shark swimming over the top of a shark cage with a large school of jack fish, neptune islands, south australia. - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:11
great white shark swimming with a large school of jack fish as seen from a deep water shark cage, neptune islands, south australia. - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:12
great white shark swimming with a large school of jack fish as seen from a deep water shark cage, neptune islands, south australia. - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:08
great white shark swimming with a large school of jack fish as seen from a deep water shark cage, neptune islands, south australia. - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:11
great white shark swimming with a large school of jack fish as seen from a deep water shark cage, neptune islands, south australia. - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:06
port authority bus terminal entrance shot and some north buildings close to hudson river in new york - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:16
tuna and divers in a fish farm net in port lincoln, south australia - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:05
aerial view of the quayside in port lincoln, south australia - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:10
tuna being unloaded from a fishing vessel at port lincoln, south australia - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:10
underwater view of tunas moving into a fishing net near port lincoln, south australia - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:06
underwater view of a tuna attacked by a shark near port lincoln, south australia - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:04
underwater view of shark attacking tunas near port lincoln, south australia - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:09
underwater view of shark attacking tunas near port lincoln, south australia - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:09
underwater view of shark swimming among tunas near port lincoln, south australia - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:05
underwater view of tuna catching sardine bait near port lincoln, south australia - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:05
school of tuna caught in a fishing net near port lincoln, south australia - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:08
underwater view of tuna catching sardine bait near port lincoln, south australia - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:05
underwater view of tuna catching sardine bait near port lincoln, south australia - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:06
underwater view of tuna catching sardine bait near port lincoln, south australia - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:04
school of tuna swimming in the sea near port lincoln, south australia - port lincoln video stock e b–roll00:05