Tiny Tim And Friends

American singer and musician Tiny Tim (1932 - 1996) visits the Stars Hall of Fame in Orlando, Florida, 1976. There he poses between waxworks of Dan Rowan (left) and Dick Martin, presenters of the TV show 'Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In', before immortalising his hand and footprints in cement. Tiny Tim had appeared several times as a novelty performer on 'Laugh-In'. (Photo by Archive Photos/Getty Images)
American singer and musician Tiny Tim (1932 - 1996) visits the Stars Hall of Fame in Orlando, Florida, 1976. There he poses between waxworks of Dan Rowan (left) and Dick Martin, presenters of the TV show 'Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In', before immortalising his hand and footprints in cement. Tiny Tim had appeared several times as a novelty performer on 'Laugh-In'. (Photo by Archive Photos/Getty Images)
Tiny Tim And Friends
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Archive Photos / Stringer
N. Editorial:
Archive Photos
Data di creazione:
1 gennaio 1976
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Archive Photos
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Max. dimensione file:
4745 x 3737 px (40,17 x 31,64 cm) - 300 dpi - 5 MB