World Trade Center Attack In New York City

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 11: Scenes at Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan, New York, after two commercial aircraft flew into the World Trade Center twin towers. The attack caused the collapse of both buildings. Award-winning British photographer Steve Wood gained access to the area on the day of the attack, and for several days afterwards. His photographs provide an eye-witness view of the devastation, and record the Professionalism and dedication of the fire fighters, police, and rescue workers. (Photo by Steve Wood/Popperfoto via Getty Images)
NEW YORK, NEW YORK - SEPTEMBER 11: Scenes at Ground Zero in Lower Manhattan, New York, after two commercial aircraft flew into the World Trade Center twin towers. The attack caused the collapse of both buildings. Award-winning British photographer Steve Wood gained access to the area on the day of the attack, and for several days afterwards. His photographs provide an eye-witness view of the devastation, and record the Professionalism and dedication of the fire fighters, police, and rescue workers. (Photo by Steve Wood/Popperfoto via Getty Images)
World Trade Center Attack In New York City
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Steve Wood/Popperfoto / Collaboratore
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Data di creazione:
11 settembre 2001
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2300 x 1533 px (19,47 x 12,98 cm) - 300 dpi - 597 KB