Heathrow Airport becomes hub for illegal ivory smuggling

Heathrow Airport becomes hub for illegal ivory smuggling; ENGLAND: London: Heathrow Airport: INT Luggage (suitcases) along on baggage carousel in baggage reclaim area Low angle view of baggage trolleys being pushed along UK Border Agency officer (?) (with sniffer sniffer dog) speaking to passenger SOT - What food have you got in the bags? Sniffer dog standing next to luggage Sniffer dog and handler along Jane Sharp (UK Border Agency) interview SOT Sniffer dog sniffing bags of passengers in airport terminal Reporter to camera
Heathrow Airport becomes hub for illegal ivory smuggling; ENGLAND: London: Heathrow Airport: INT Luggage (suitcases) along on baggage carousel in baggage reclaim area Low angle view of baggage trolleys being pushed along UK Border Agency officer (?) (with sniffer sniffer dog) speaking to passenger SOT - What food have you got in the bags? Sniffer dog standing next to luggage Sniffer dog and handler along Jane Sharp (UK Border Agency) interview SOT Sniffer dog sniffing bags of passengers in airport terminal Reporter to camera

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Data di creazione:
4 marzo 2013
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United Kingdom
QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25i
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576 25i
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