'Snickers Get Some Nuts' tour: Mr T and other celebrity interviews

'Snickers Get Some Nuts' tour: Mr T and other celebrity interviews; Mr T interview continues SOT - On what the 'T' in Mr T stands for and why he chose that name / Dirk Benedict and the rest of the A-Team / on the new A-Team film cast / his hairstyle / Sylvester Stallone and whether he would do another Rocky film / his plans for 2009 / tips for men on how to be more manly
'Snickers Get Some Nuts' tour: Mr T and other celebrity interviews; Mr T interview continues SOT - On what the 'T' in Mr T stands for and why he chose that name / Dirk Benedict and the rest of the A-Team / on the new A-Team film cast / his hairstyle / Sylvester Stallone and whether he would do another Rocky film / his plans for 2009 / tips for men on how to be more manly

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26 febbraio 2009
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